We are now a distributor for WorldWide Electric! Follow these links to view all of our available WorldWide Electric products: Horizontals Veritcals Louis Allis Horizontals Gear Reducers Slide Base Kits All WWE Products We are proud to introduce WorldWide Electric in our lineup of products! Sine 1998, WorldWide Electric has been a […] READ MORE
Browning CBN components and gearheads are in stock! As a Regal Rexnord BL5+ assembly center, all CBN models can be assembled as a: Complete gearbox with C-Face input Gearmotor with a modular motor Brakemotor with a modular motor and Shur Stop brake kit Varidrive gearmotor with a Varidrive Beltcase Input shaft reducer, shaft in/shaft out […] READ MORE
Celebrating 100 years of US Motors vertical HOLLOSHAFT® motors! These motors quickly became a total game-changer and the industry standard in the electric motor world. Check out the full article here READ MORE
Check out this 3-D tutorial on three simple methods to reset the self-adjust lever arm position on your 87,000 series brake: These concepts are also useful for Stearns 81, 82 and 86 series brakes. Give us a call for any of your Stearns brake needs or check out our friction disc kits here. READ MORE
If you have the part, model, or ID number or just specs that you would like to request a quote for, feel free to email us at rfq@usmotor.com We will do our very best to assist you.
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